Nanospell Spell Checking Software Components
JavaScript jQuery CKEditor TinyMCE PHP ASP.Net Classic ASP

PHP SpellChecker

SpellCheck Class in Code Igniter

  1. 1 Using the PHP SpellCheckButton and SpellAsYouType UI Classes
  2. 2 Using the Raw Spellchecker Engine
    1. 2.1 Author : Kengo!
  1. Use CodeIgniter 1.7.2+
  2. Copy phpspellcheck folder into "system/application/libraries" (CI's recommendation)
  3. Copied and Pasted the lines of "phpspellcheck/examples14-PHP Core Class.php" into your test controlle
  4. Directory setting was a little bit tricky such as..
//CodeIgniter Setup
 ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR .APPPATH . 'libraries/');

Using the PHP SpellCheckButton and SpellAsYouType UI Classes

require "phpspellcheck/include.php";
$mySpell->InstallationPath = "/system/application/libraries/phpspellcheck/";

Using the Raw Spellchecker Engine

require "phpspellcheck/include.php"  ;
    $spellcheckObject -> DictionaryPath =("../system/application/libraries/phpspellcheck/dictionaries/");

Author : Kengo!

If anyone needs further CodeIgniter Integration - we are happy to help. Contact us with your needs.